Uncaged Brief

Another Democrat Turns on Party, Joins Republicans

Over the past year, a number of Democrats have changed their political allegiance, a phenomenon known as the “Dem Exit.” This trend is concerning for the party’s prospects in the upcoming 2024 election. Recently, another prominent figure within the Democratic Party, Dov Hikind, who had been a member for nearly three decades and later became an advocate for the Jewish community after retiring from the New York Assembly, announced his departure from the party. He and his wife have now joined the GOP, as he cited the Democrats’ abandonment of Jews and Israel as his reason for leaving.

According to Hikind, he expressed that the Democratic Party has become extremely radicalized, leading to the exclusion of individuals with moderate perspectives. He accused President Joe Biden of consistently adopting policies that disregard Israel’s interests. After careful consideration, the former assemblyman ultimately concluded that registering as a Republican aligns with his principles. His wife also supported this decision, believing it to be the best choice for both of them.

Over the past few years, there has been a growing trend among those on the political Left to criticize Israel’s government for its West Bank settlements. Some have gone as far as labeling it an apartheid state, alleging discriminatory practices against non-Jewish individuals. Notably, President Biden has not extended an invitation to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the White House since his recent return to power.

Prominent far-left Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has consistently voiced opinions that many in the Jewish community consider to be anti-Semitic. She is not the only member of the group known as the “Squad” to express such views, as others have also echoed similar sentiments. Despite this, party leaders have taken limited action to address the alleged bigotry within their ranks.

Besides Hikind, Senator Kirsten Sinema (I-AZ) has departed from the party as well, opting to join the Independent Party. Similarly, former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard also distanced herself from the Democratic Party, aligning with Hikind’s views and condemning the Left for employing anti-religious rhetoric.

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