Dem Senator Deals MAJOR BLOW to Biden


President Joe Biden received some terrible news from Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, regarding the lame-duck Congress. Murphy claims that Biden is attempting to force through an assault weapons prohibition before the next Congress but lacks the necessary support.

“I’m glad that President Biden is gonna be pushing us to take a vote on an assault weapons ban. The House has already passed it. It’s sitting in front of the Senate. Does it have 60 votes in the Senate right now? Probably not, but let’s see if we can try to get that number is close to 60 as possible. If we don’t have the votes, then we’ll talk to [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer and maybe come back next year, with maybe an additional senator, and see if we can do better.”

According to Biden, the LGBTQI+ communities across the country continue to experience catastrophic gun violence, and the number of violent threats is rising. We saw it in Orlando, six years ago, when the country experienced the bloodiest attack on the LGBTQI+ community in American history, he continued.

He then added, “We must address the public health epidemic of gun violence in all of its forms. Earlier this year, I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly three decades, in addition to taking other historic actions. But we must do more. We need to enact an assault weapons ban to get weapons of war off America’s streets.The idea that we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick.”


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