RNC: Dems Trying to Destroy Election Integrity


The Democrats are trying to tear apart the integrity of American elections, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said in a statement ahead of President Joe Biden’s visit to Georgia on Tuesday in order to press for a federal takeover of state and local elections.

“Joe Biden and Democrats’ election takeover attempts are blatant power grabs designed to rig the game,” according to the RNC statement. “Democrats want to destroy the integrity of our elections by eliminating photo ID requirements, allowing noncitizens to vote, using taxpayer dollars to fund career politicians, and silencing voters.”

McDaniel insisted that “no number of lies told or fake hysteria pushed today justify Democrats’ agenda to break the Senate and destroy American elections.”

The RNC statement also said that 75% of Americans — including 69% of Black voters and 60% of Democrats surveyed — back ID requirements for voting.

The RNC also pointed out that, following the passage of Georgia’s election integrity law criticized by Democrats, Atlanta held municipal elections in November, with turnout increasing by 17% amid reports that there were no obstacles at the voting stations and few problems of any kind.

The RNC said that, as attempts to pass Biden’s Build Back Better Act flounder in the Senate, far-left Democrats are now concentrating on gutting state-based efforts to promote election integrity and ending the filibuster.

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