Zionist Organization Denounces Jan. 6 Comparisons to Holocaust


Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley comparing Jan. 6 to the Holocaust drew a rebuke from the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) Monday. 

“Especially as a child of Holocaust survivors, I abhor the deranged partisan lunacy and breathtaking insensitivity for careless historian Douglas Brinkley to in any way resurrect, minimize, and diminish the monstrous Holocaust by comparing any aspect of it to an out-of-control protest where the protesters had no weapons and killed no one while 6 million Jews were massacred,” ZOA President Morton Klein said in a pointed statement he shared on Twitter.

Klein added such comparisons should be branded “hate speech” and called for Brinkley to apologize.

“I, from my home, and my murdered aunts, uncles and grandparents from their graves, demand a profuse apology, and I urge all Holocaust scholars, Jewish leaders, and rabbis to join this demand of a heartfelt apology from careless negligent historian Brinkley,” Klein’s statement concluded, according to Breitbart’s Joshua Klein.

Brinkley, during an appearance on MSNBC on Jan. 6, compared the storming of the Capitol to 9/11 and the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

“We have film footage of what happened on Jan. 6, we have proof,” Brinkley told MSNBC anchor Craig Melvin. “[Former President] Dwight Eisenhower, during World War II, made sure all the Holocaust camps were filmed — so we’ve got the film footage.”

“I think it is like Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor — it is like the 9/11 tragedy,” he added.