Billionaire Almost Cries When Talking About Democrats

Lefty LET DOWN - Billionaire Almost Brought to Tears!


A prominent entrepreneur has passionately appealed to the American public regarding the economy. Leon Cooperman, a billionaire investor, expressed to CNBC that the progressive faction in the United States fails to comprehend the situation. He is now urging individuals not to lose faith in the capitalist system.

On September 7th, Mr. Cooperman, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Omega Advisors, an investment firm located in New York City, made an appearance on CNBC. Initially, he began discussing his current investment ventures, but he soon veered into a conversation regarding his book titled “From the Bronx to Wall Street” and his unwavering support for the capitalist economic model. 

He emphasized his father’s journey to the United States from Poland at the age of 12 without formal education and shared his own experiences of financial hardship when he commenced his career on Wall Street.

In reference to individuals with liberal viewpoints, Cooperman conveyed his efforts to convince individuals with more radical stances, such as Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), as well as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) (AOC), not to forsake the principles of capitalism. 

He maintained that capitalism remains the most effective system, but he expressed his apprehension about those on the left, stating, “I’m concerned about the Lefties. They don’t get it.”  It’s worth noting that Warren, Sanders, and AOC have persisted in advocating for socialism despite evident real-world instances illustrating its impracticality.

Cooperman appears to have lost confidence in both of the primary political parties in the United States. He characterized them as deficient and expressed doubt that either President Biden or former President Donald Trump would secure victory in the upcoming election. While acknowledging his own optimism in this regard, he strongly criticized the deeply flawed nature of the country’s political system.

Leon Cooperman serves as an exemplary illustration of the achievements made possible by the capitalist system. Originating from the background of an immigrant plumber’s apprentice, he successfully established a company that oversees assets exceeding $3 billion. 

Presently, he observes socialist politicians advocating for the dismantling of this system, proposing an alternative that, as seen in the case of oil-rich Venezuela, led citizens to the dire circumstance of relying on pets and zoo animals for sustenance. It’s understandable why he appeared visibly emotional while delivering his heartfelt appeal on live television.


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