Biden Burns Taxpayer Cash On Trip To Delaware


For his Tuesday vote, President Biden took Air Force One, two motorcades, and local police security from Washington, D.C. to Delaware.

Biden made the journey to vote in person, telling reporters on Tuesday that he was boarding Air Force One just to vote, as opposed to presidents who generally cast absentee ballots to avoid the expense of going to their home states.

Although the precise cost of Biden’s travel to Delaware is unknown, the Air Force announced in 2014 that the Presidential Boeing 747 had an average cost per flying hour (CPFH) of $206,337. However, Biden traveled in the scaled-down Boeing 757 version of AF1.

According to estimates, a U.S. president’s travel expenses run about $2,600 every minute.

When reporters contacted the White House for comment regarding Biden’s decision to cast his ballot in person, they did not react right away. The price of the vacation was also left unclear.

According to Bloomberg, former President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama both cast absentee ballots in the 2018 and 2020 general elections for the Democratic Party in Illinois.

The criticism of Biden has focused on his frequent trips to Delaware as president, where he has spent 170 days at a beach house since taking office. Just one of his two houses in the state is included in that.

Throughout his presidency, the GOP has criticized Biden’s vacation practices. Last Thursday, the GOP tweeted that Biden had spent 40% of his term on vacation.

Around six o’clock in the evening, Biden and Jill Biden left Washington for Delaware. Tuesday. By eight o’clock at night, they had cast their votes, boarded Air Force One once more, and were returning to Washington.


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