Biden Sides With Republicans – Blocks DC’s New Crime Law

Brandon BETRAYS Dems - Supports GOP's Crime Agenda!


To prevent a laxened criminal legislation in Washington, DC, President Joe Biden approved a Republican-led bill on Monday.

The “Council’s Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022,” which was approved by the D.C. Council — would have reduced punishments for a range of violent crimes, like as robberies and carjackings. To prevent the law from taking effect, House Republicans presented a disapproval resolution in February.

In a prior statement, Biden threatened to veto the proposal but said he would support “DC Statehood and home-rule” and would not “lower penalties for carjackings.”

Biden will sign the bill, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, because “he’s putting the safety of the people of DC first.”

Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, DC, vetoed the ordinance in January, but the council overrode it by a vote of 12 to 1.

Due to complaints from DC citizens and “partners in the public safety and criminal justice community,” Bowser rejected the measure.

The District Clause of the Constitution gives Congress the power to veto any legislation from Washington, DC before it becomes a law.


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