Ohio Voters Codify Right to Abortion

Amendment PASSED - The Votes Are In!


Republicans around the country have worked for years to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. During his presidency, Donald Trump appointed three conservative judges to the Supreme Court. The Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which effectively removed federal abortion rights, was issued by the new court a year after he left office.

Since then, Republican-controlled states across the country have banned or severely restricted access to the medical procedure. However, because of these laws, individuals are taking action, which is causing problems for the Republican Party. That was highlighted in Ohio lately.

Constitutional Amendment

On November 7th, roughly 57% of Ohio voters supported Issue 1. Abortion rights will be guaranteed in the state constitution within the next month.

Republicans in the state had spent months trying to block the amendment from being approved by placing a measure on the primary ballot that would have required amendments to be approved by a 60% supermajority. Numerous citizens turned out to cast their ballots against the proposal, paving the way for Tuesday’s constitutional amendment referendum.

Constitutional amendment establishing the “right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment.” This covers services for unwanted pregnancies, terminations, and birth control. Abortions are legal in the state up until 22 weeks.

Biggest Fight for Abortion Activists

Seven states have held statewide elections on abortion since the Dobbs decision. In each case, voters approved of allowing people to get the surgery. Since Ohio is run by Republicans and is predominantly conservative, it was considered as the largest challenge to the momentum the Left has had over the last year.

President Joe Biden celebrated the outcome in the Buckeye State. He released a statement after the results came in, saying Americans “voted to protect their fundamental freedoms — and democracy won.”

Several Catholic bishops in Ohio also released a joint statement, calling it “a tragic day for women, children and families” in the state. They said they plan to keep fighting until “every preborn child is protected […] and every human life receives respect, dignity, and justice.”

What Happens Next?

Next year is going to be another significant one for abortion. Several states, including Florida, Maryland, New York, and others, may have initiatives on their ballots. There is a movement in the Sunshine State to have a constitutional amendment put on the ballot to repeal the state’s abortion laws. To qualify for the ballot, backers need to collect 900,000 signatures by February 1; if it does, it will need 60 percent of the vote to succeed.


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