Supreme Court Stabs Trump In the Back


President Donald Trump has contributed to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh were all appointed by Trump to the Supreme Court. Together with Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Samuel Alito, and Justice Clarence Thomas, this resulted in a conservative majority.

The court, however, continued to stab Trump in the back.

In a well-known move, Kavanaugh and Barrett supported Obamacare by siding with liberals.

Gorsuch and Alito both disagreed, contending that Obamacare ought to be ruled unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court ultimately decided 7–2 to maintain Obamacare.

As they resisted the extreme left-wing policies of the Obama administration, 18 conservative states led by Texas were defeated.

When asked if he had second thoughts about appointing Kavanaugh and Barrett, Trump responded that second thinking is useless.

Thankfully, Roe v. Wade was reversed by the Supreme Court, effectively putting a stop to the status of an abortion constitutional right. As a result, individual states gained the authority to permit, restrict, or outlaw the practice of abortion.

Trump praised the decision, saying it will benefit everyone as each state may set its own restrictions on the contentious practice of terminating an unborn child.

“This is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago. I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody. This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged,” Trump responded. 

Beyond this challenge finally ended up at the Supreme Court, where they overturned Roe v. Wade’s influence throughout all 50 US states, it looks that liberals may soon regret their efforts to prevent Mississippi from enacting the abortion restriction after 15 weeks of pregnancy.


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