Dem Staffer Busted On Tape – Footage Released


The journalists at Project Veritas have a talent for catching Leftists speaking difficult truths. The most recent instance is from Arizona, where a paid staff member acknowledged to fabricating information about Senator Mark Kelly’s (D-AZ) policy.

The video shows Evynn Bronson, a field agent with the PAC Mission for Arizona, asking an investigator how many falsehoods she’s willing to tell to help a Democrat win office. The PAC actively supports and campaigns for Arizona Democrats.

The liberal doesn’t appear to be interested in wooing genuine Conservatives. Rather, the strategy is to target moderate Republicans and Independents by simply telling them what they want to hear.

For instance, Bronson freely acknowledges that Kelly is not pro-life but is prepared to tell anyone who inquire that he is. She claims she makes justifications for his Democratic leanings by citing his desire to provide women the freedom to pursue their own interests.

The staff member claims that lying about one’s political beliefs is simple because there is a talking point for almost everything. With 40% of voters still uncertain, she claims that her candidate must play both sides, even if that means telling outright lies, to the undercover reporter.

Concerning Blake Masters, the Republican opponent, Bronson claims in the video that the goal is to expose him as a far-right extremist who adheres to the “craziest, craziest, craziest far-right conspiracy as you can get.”“crazy, crazy, crazy far-right conspiracy as you can get.”  He also states that he believes there were irregularities and other problems with the 2020 election.


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